Humourless Marxist Reviews: Tiger King

Tiger King

Tiger King is that new Netflix series that everyone seems to be watching, inexplicably. Well, perhaps inexplicably is the wrong word. The explanations are well known: the series follows the true story of outrageous characters who lived already dangerous lives making even more dangerous decisions, and was released in suspiciously good timing for the COVID-19 outbreak. So, not inexplicably, but unfortunately it’s the series that everyone seems to be watching, and here’s your review, you content-hungry jackanapes!

The series follows Joe Exotic, one of these horrible people who professionally imprisons and enslaves animals, in this case tigers, as the series’s name implies. Joe Exotic is gay, but not in a cool way, like Worker’s Spatula writers are required to be, but in a douche-y way.

Indeed, if there’s one word that could describe Joe Exotic, the “Tiger King”, it would certainly be “douche-y”. We almost never use the word “douche” here at Worker’s Spatula, but the word so perfectly encapsulated the energy that Joe Exotic radiates that a special committee was convened to determine if necessity dictated that we publish a piece calling out Joe Exotic for the douchey douche he is.

As you might have gathered, the committee affirmed that you must all be forewarned that if you watch this series, you would be exposed to ours of this fucking douche.

Actually, almost all of the human characters in this series could be described as being at least somewhat douchey. As COVID-19 has practically imprisoned some of our readers in their homes, and even workers forced to go out to be exploited for their labour are deprived of as much time outdoors during their social reproduction time, we can say with great certainty that the most relatable characters will be the tigers. Also, like the imprisoned tigers, our loyal readership are some truly fierce binches.

That’s right, we’re publishing the word “binch” again. This is a pandemic and we had to watch Tiger King, we’re breaking out all the weird nouns we have to, and you’re just going to have to deal with it.

Almost every single human character is problematic, unlikeable, and/or suspect in some way. To be honest, we even believe Carole Baskin did feed her husband’s corpse to some big cats. That’s definitely the most believable thing about that video.

Would we recommend our readers actually watch this series? No, but we don’t recommend you consume a lot of media that we can’t stop you from consuming. None the less, if any of our readers want to consume some documentary media centered around a likeable main character?

We humbly recommend the works of Grover Furr.

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One thought on “Humourless Marxist Reviews: Tiger King

  1. therealnineofclubs

    Never mind the tigers.

    Here in Oz, we wait for further updates on the fate of that kulak running-dog, Bruce Franic. Is he still driving the forklift in Carlton? Or did he face the righteous anger of the proletariat and have his fucking lights punched out?

    Fraternal regards from great southern motherland to comrades-in-struggle around the globe. Long live October Seven Socialist Movement!

    Liked by 1 person

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